A new era begins for Kris Goyri. After a two-year absence due to health complications, the designer returned to the catwalks this season with a collection entitled La Vacación. Although tied to the resort season, it’s the first of Goyri’s annual collections that will set the tone for the year – with additional drops throughout to follow suit. “I want this collection to evolve throughout the year,” he said. “I want it to be in a place where I feel comfortable designing it.
With this collection he left the color universe that usually defines his style, turning to architectural experiments with a mix of chiffons, crepes, linen and cotton; done in a strict color palette of black and white. Goyri used his recovery time to think about what his clients are looking for. The rare splashes of color, he explained, “symbolized the sun, the sunset and the focal points on the body that represented the chakras.”