Giving yourself enough time to get where you’re going is more important than ever during peak season and current summer heat waves around the world add another curveball to many travelers’ flying experiences. Because excessive heat can cause several types of problems when it comes to getting planes off the ground and to their destinations comfortably and on time, aviation experts currently recommend prioritizing early morning flights to reduce potential delays.
Air becomes thinner and less dense as it warms, which can have several unwanted effects on the way aircraft operate. Airplanes often have to carry less weight when flying in extremely hot weather because very hot air makes takeoff more difficult. Under these conditions, most types of aircraft must use more runway space and more speed on takeoff because they cannot produce as much thrust as normal, meaning excess weight can hinder these physics more than normal.
Having to reduce the overall weight of an aircraft often means transferring passengers to a later flight to allow for a safe takeoff. Greater heat concerns could lead to flights being postponed pending better conditions or canceled if cooler air seems unlikely. Cabins also tend to become uncomfortably warm during these times, especially when delays are announced after passengers have already boarded the plane.
These potential problems are less common early in the morning, especially when you are taking the first flight of the day. If any bumps or delays impact these flights, they are likely to be minor compared to the inconvenience you may experience later in the day.
With these details in mind, strategically planning both domestic and international flights is crucial when it comes to increasing your chances of getting to your destination comfortably and on time this summer. Heat waves in the US, Greece and… India These are just a few of the many heat-related issues passengers could face in the coming months.