1. What is the most memorable moment you have experienced with the students?
After the lecture, one of the students took me aside and asked me some questions about how much to charge people and how she could make money from her work since she had just started a photography business. It was really valuable and reminded me of myself when I was younger.
2. What were your dreams when you were the same age as the young students you met? Did they come true? And what fears did you have at the time that you later realized were unfounded?
When I was the same age as the students, I certainly dreamed of doing many of the things I do now. I dreamed of traveling the world for my art, of creating every day and of making a living from my work. – all of which I am very grateful to have fulfilled. As far as fears go, I was a pretty fearless kid. However, I was a pretty lonely kid because I didn’t have many friends growing up, so I was definitely afraid that I would never find my “people,” and thank goodness I did.
3. What impact would being a CondéFuture student in high school have had on you as an emerging creative talent in New York?
I wish I had CondéFuture when I was in high school! It would have given me many of the resources and tools at a much faster pace, and placed me with other like-minded kids growing up.
4. If you could do another session with CondéFuture, what would you learn and why?
I would love to teach a class specifically on the business side. Many people think that you cannot make good money as an artist, which is completely incorrect. I had to learn everything from scratch and I would love to teach younger children how to have financial stability while following their passions because you can certainly have both at the same time.